Im Moment siehts so aus, als ob die ganzen Nachteile des GB Systems auch hier eingeführt werden, die Vorteile aber nicht und dann sind wir noch schlechter dran...
Die öffentliche Schule in Annan (SW-Schottland, ca. 8.500 Einwohner, kein sozialer Brennpunkt) sieht hier einen Lösungsansatz, um das Problem der NEDs (non-educated delinquents) eventuell in den Griff zu bekommen:
"The community constable's role has been created so that the police can work with partnership agencies to create a school environment where we can reduce (!) incidents of crime and antisocial behaviour. It’s part of the job to make sure Annan Academy pupils are aware of the consequences of their actions and the negative impact that committing crimes has on them, their families and their school. The community constable is also tasked with improving relationships between pupils and the police and encouraging respect and positive citizenship.
A large part of the day is spent patrolling the school grounds and surrounding area to provide a reassuring presence for everyone in the school and local community and also work with school staff and other agencies to provide appropriate advice and assistance to anyone who needs it."
Wäre es ein Vor- oder Nachteil, dieses Modell in Deutschland zu übernehmen?