Work and Industrialization - 12. Klasse

  • Hallo zusammen!

    Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer schönen interessanten Lektüre für meinen 12er GK-Englischunterricht im Rahmen des Oberthemas "Work and Industrialization" mit dem Schwerpunkt "business, industry and the environment" [vorgeschrieben vom Lehrplan hinsichtlich des Zentralabiturs - es führt also kein Weg an diesem Schwerpunkt für mich vorbei - urks!]. Habt ihr da vielleicht eine Idee? [Blockierte Grafik:] Mir ist bisher nur Dickens' "Hard Times" eingefallen - aber ich bin mir unsicher, ob ich meine GKler dafür soooo begeistern kann - zumal ich selbst nicht ein so großer Fan dieses Buchs bin. Aber sonst bin ich momentan echt ratlos [Blockierte Grafik:].

    Zu Hilfe!!!

    Eure Kelle.

  • Es gibt Geschichtsbücher für zweisprachigen Geschichtsunterricht - da kannst du evtl. was zum Thema "Industrialisation" verbraten. (Cornelsen, glaube ich) Ansonsten: Bücher für technisches Gymnasium / Berufsoberschulen / Berufskolleg der so.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wir haben dazu öfter mal Steinbeck gelesen:
    - Of Mice and Men: migrant workers, Great Depression (von Steinbeck geht eigentlich fast alles)
    - River of Earth


    In the novel River of Earth, James Still explores the effect of industrialization on rural Kentucky in the early 1920's. Although Still is often viewed as a regional writer, the central theme of the novel is pervasive. By depicting a family divided between the life on a subsistence farm and life in a coal camp, he presents the choices posed to the Baldridge family as the result of industrialization. Although the novel is divided into three sections, there are only two distinct places in the novel, rural and urban. The struggle between the two localities is played out in a variety of ways.

    Lief auch ganz gut.
    - ganz aktuell: David Lodge "Nice Work" :


    His tongue caustic, and his take on British society provocative and funny, Lodge skewers virtually every aspect of Thatcherite Britain in this top-notch satirical novel, a sequel to Small World . Set in an industrial city in the Midlands, the story's protagonists are Vic Wilcox, managing director of a failing engineering firm, and Robyn Penrose, temporary lecturer in English lit at the University of Rummidge. Robyn is chosen to "shadow" Vic at the factory one day a week, as part of a program to effect a liaison between the university and local industry. A "trendy leftist feminist" with highfalutin views about the evils of industrial capitalism, Robyn looks down on Vic, whose education is scanty and whose lifestyle is diametrically opposed to hers.

    Mein Favorit, aber sprachlich ordentlich knackig: sarkastisch, böse, hintenrum! Gut!

    WE are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams,
    World-losers and world-forsakers on whom the pale moon gleams
    yet we are the movers and shakers of the world for ever, it seems.
