ich habe bisher noch nie in einer 9ten Klasse unterrichtet. Jetzt habe ich eine solche in einer "Englisch-Ergänzungsstunde". Dort ist der folgende Text entstanden. Ich tippe ihn mal hier hinein, mit allen Fehlern usw. Für den Text hatten die Schüler 15 min Zeit. Sie sollten zwei Leute beschreiben, die sie vorher in einem Text (job interview) kennen gelernt haben. Ich sage mal nicht, wie ich den Text finde, da ich eure Meinung hören möchte. Also, 9. Klasse Realschule.
"The first applicant wasn't really good. He was wearing a nice suit, but he wasn't that good with talking. Maybe he was a bit shy. I'm not sure about this. Also he didn't speak clearly and fluently, sometimes Mr. Jackson couldn't understand him. That's not good at all, because it's a social job. You have to talk with people, you have to tell them why they should buy something at your store. The second applicant was was a nice girl, she talked a lot, a way more then the first applicant! I think it's a huge advantage to be not shy, when you want to work as a shop assistant. She didn't wear the cloth you need for the job, but her kind of person was perfectly. So I think, the second applicant will get the job as shop assistant."
Also, was haltet ihr von dem kleinen Text? (146 Wörter) Für Antworten wäre ich sehr dankbar.